Our only Christian

“Our only Christian ….”
Sometime back I had shown concern on the trends of insecurity in Garissa and the northern region. The al shabaab had in their focus the Kenya security agents and Christians living among them in retaliation of the invasion of Somalia. 
It was about 11am had been in Garissa town doing business as always. Made quick decisions to turn a different street in 4 minutes I heard gunshots that plunged the town into panic. I took cover into a hotel and waited for news to stream in.
Abdiweli A, a close friend a Christian of Somali origin had been targeted  for a while now. They got him finally. Abdi had been a faithful christian and a leader among us here he leaves a wife Hellen and three boys. 
The taxi driver who now drove me out of town following this event showed concern and sadness.:
“This was our only Christian ….did he have to die?” He revealed that he was a Muhammed Zuber  the same clan with Abdi’s father whose mother is from Aauliiyan  of the Orgaden.
This is very important story since we are now in a tussle of who should bury him . The Christian community are out to do it but face challenge from his Muslim cousins…please pray for wisdom! 
Also shot in this incident is Rev. IBRAHIM M. kamwara of the EAPC a Pentecostal church which was once hit by al shabaab militias October 2011. Pastor IBRAHIM has been here for over 30 years and faithfully served Christians and  community here. Abdi was a member of his congregation too!
Pray that we will know divine protection and that God will vindicate his people! 
The alshabaab’s interpret the  killing Christians as their religious duty… It will be very hard to undo this perception now held with many sympathisers .
Rev. Canon Omondi





  1. Gerald

    Rev you are in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. Gerald

    Rev you are in my thoughts and prayers!

  3. Fidel

    Praying with you Rev & other Christians there that God will grant us boldness to carry on being faithful witnesses to Him!

  4. Fidel

    Praying with you Rev & other Christians there that God will grant us boldness to carry on being faithful witnesses to Him!

  5. Abdirashid

    For sure he will live forever. But he left too many underground believers. We need to pray and trace.
    He was my good mentor. God bless uuu.

  6. Abdirashid

    For sure he will live forever. But he left too many underground believers. We need to pray and trace.
    He was my good mentor. God bless uuu.

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