
RT. Rev. Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit

Jackson Ole Sapit

Bishop Dr. Jackson ole Sapit has been elected the 6th Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya. After an election that saw him favoured over his six other colleagues.
He was Born in June 1964 and trained for ministry at Berea College, and St Pauls University ( dip. 1992, BD. 1997).
He was ordained in 1992 and assigned vicar Belgut parish before being moved as Vicar Kilgoris Parish and project manager of Transmara Rural Development Programme.
He ably served as Nakuru Diocese’ Missions and Development Coordinator until 2002 when he went to University of Reading UK to study social development for sustainable livelihood [MA social development 2003]
He was made suffragan bishop of Nakuru diocese in 2004, until 2008 when the area that became Kericho diocese. The diocese was curved out of Nakuru diocese to serve covers the South Rift area of South West Kenya. Bishop ole Sapit became it’s first bishop.
He served as Chairman of Kenya Anglican Youth Organisation [KAYO] from 2006 until 2011 when he was appointed Chairman of the Provincial Board of Social Services, which was renamed Anglican Development Services (ADS).
The Board of Social Services and now (ADS) is a policy making body appointed by the Anglican Church of Kenya Provincial Synod to govern the social development services of the Church.
He is in the board of BECON AFRICA who also published some of his writing: ” Impact of climate change on food security a biblical reflection”.
He has built for Kericho a strong profile of International partners which include, Tearfund (UK) and Tearfund (NL), Diocese of Chichester (UK), Crosslinks, Trinity Cheltenham (UK), Church Army, World Vision, Christian Aid, Compassion, Comic Relief, EGPAF, Just Earth and Diakonia (Germany)
One of the diocese partners had this to say about his style:
” Bishop Sapit is a man of energy blessed with a scope of vision that is both inspiring and engaging. He is a team player and, rightly, understands that, as Archbishop Rowan Williams once said, “Only the whole Church is able to grasp the whole Gospel.” For that reason he seeks to involve every level of the Christian community in discerning its God-given gifts and talents, and identifying its unique place in God’s transformational activity in the world.”




In 2012 the Global University for Lifelong Learning (GULL) of Carlifornia USA, were impressed with his on going community work and recognised his contribution by awarding him an honorary Doctorate degree doctor of professional studies.
Tearfund nominated Bishop Sapit as GULL Ambassador.
Bishop has a passion to re-strategise the missions of the Anglican Church from mainly pulpit based into the society through integral missions.
He thinks that the churchs’ focus should be wholistic and interpersonal. He spoke passionately for the need to disciple youth through discipleship and mentoring.
The chief concern he raises is one of integration of the church:how can we bring in those on the margins?
Only an inclusive church and build around it credible leadership will make impact in Kenya today.
Unity of the church locally and internationally while maintaining focus of doctrine are so dear to him.
He is married to Esther Sapit and they have six children


Waving at the congregation gathered at All Saints After being elected
