Don’t Intervene, Governor; Let the Luos face the fire!

Attempts by Governor Dr Evans Kidero to stop prominent Luos from being sacked appears Great!
Dr Kidero is quoted saying, “Each of us hails from a specific region and it would be wrong for me to sit back and watch while professionals from my region are mistreated.”

Dr Evans Kidero

Dr Evans Kidero

From the event recently One cannot but conclude that there is a concerted effort to bump out Luos from their perch in public service, because of their tribe and not due to their performance. The Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero of CORD has reportedly pleaded the case for two top appointments and advised against perceived hounding of professionals from Luo Nyanza.
Fred Rabong’o from South Nyanza was degazetted as NSSF board member under unclear circumstances.
Only last week, Kidero had to make frantic efforts to reach President Uhuru Kenyatta on short notice after reports that embattled National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Managing Trustee Tom Odongo had been sacked. Sorry, Tom remain sacked pending court decision.
Soon after, the city boss was also pulling strings to preserve the tenure of National Water Conservation and Pipeline Corporation managing director Petronilla Ogut, whom the board of directors wanted shown the door. With regard to Ms Ogut, highly-placed sources indicate that through Kidero’s intervention, she got a six-month reprieve.
Dr Kidero do not bother to intervene for any other Luo. These people should not remain in office one day because of political favours. Actually let the Jubilee government relieve them ALL from their positions it they so wish. Marislav Volf rightly observes that; ” Symbolic exclusion is often a distortion of the other, not simply ignorance about the other; it is a willful misconstruction, not mere failure of knowledge. We demonize and bestialize not because we do not know better, but because we refuse to know what is manifest and choose to know what serves our interests.”
The government has made a statement that is very clear for all to see. This exclusion will sure galvanise a Luo response in Kenya. The commission for national Cohesion and integration should act with the same speed they respond to hate speech for this is within their domain!
president Uhuru Kenyatta
Lets remember that during his swearing in, President Uhuru Kenyatta made it clear that, “Achieving peace and strengthening unity will be the goal of my Government…”
And expressing the urgency of this task he said ;’This work begins now. We welcome all Kenyans to hold us to account.’
He lined out his position on how to build this unity this unity:
” Indeed, national unity will only be possible if we deal decisively with some of the issues that continue to hinder our progress. …It will be confirmed when the rights of all citizens are protected through legislation that upholds the spirit of our constitution.”

This very pledge is now in DOUBT. The government has respond to this question :Are Luos Kenyans ?

Canon Francis Omondi
Anglican Church of Kenya
All Saints Cathedral Diocese


They will be remembered!


Quitting ICC? : no We cannot afford this!


    • If they were political appointees they have no reason to be in position today.
      if they need political patronage to be in office then they do not deserve to be there…
      If they are being victimised for their tribe then Let the government continue for we shall surely respond

      • So, who is behind this machinations and why do they target the Luos . Is it the fear of Odinga. Well, I agree with you cannon.

  1. calvine mtula

    Corded or sympathy to Jubilee?

  2. I think , cannon they have responded to a slightly different question. Partly are other tribes Kenyans apart from the two main main “Jubilee”. But deeply is about do we democracy or aristocracy is Kenya?

  3. Mike Kimoko

    The purge is real and Governor Kidero’s efforts are non sustainable an exercise in futility .

  4. India Gudo

    The Luos who are in these big positions have no bearing to the progress of Luos in Kenya. These are personal jobs just like some of us have positions in our place of work. Kidero is behaving as if the Luos in big positions feed other poor Luos in informal settlements or rural areas. Kidero is being used to undermine Raila so that they can create another centre of power after they failed with Tuju.

  5. Symon Maringa

    Canon, i observe that these said personalities, whether Luo, Kikuyus or Embu, should be fired if they are political appointees, non-performers etc, etc. I believe we have institutions that protect and guarantee every Kenyan to work in government devoid of victimization due to their origin including tribe, race or religion. Any contradiction must be put bare and protested. Iam of the opinion that unless we have the facts leading to their sackings we should be controlled avoiding to judge and make any sensational remarks. On the same note, people who mismanage public institutions regardless of their background should be removed from public service and be prosecuted for any managerial and financial impropriety. This business of crying out when individuals are at fault of our tribe is being fought at or finished is retrogressive and anti-development. This has polarized the public service and is the reason some people cannot function with a national perspective in public service and only feel secure within the tribal enclave. Such people are not fit for national public office they could serve better at the county level.

  6. Dr.Fred Owiti

    Dr Owiti Agrees with Symon Maringa

  7. Dr.Fred Owiti

    The Order should be, People Who Chose you come First, and the ones who irritate and despise you to follow

  8. These are political appointees. Many of them Odinga’s own relatives. Examples are Ida’s cousin US Ambassdor Odengo, LA Counsel General Wena Odinga (sister), Kenya Railways Chairlady Beryl Odinga (sister who stole $1.5 mil), Ambassadors to Egypt, Harare, … Now, there are no Kibaki family recalls because there are no Kibaki family appointees. But, yes, a change in govt means a change in political appointees, period. And 39 out 52 Ambassadors have been recalled. Also, clearly these appointees are not developing the country or we would be first world by now.

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