WHY The Hurry?

service at All Saints nairobi

service at All Saints nairobi

ALL SAINTS Cathedral has proposed to begin a new building project: Children and Teens Centre. The Officials have certainly envisaged the increase need for space to accommodate the growing need for good space for Children and Teens ministry. It is not an easy journey on many counts. I have received opinions from members which should be heard and taken into account.
How can we enable the members whole heartedly own the venture?

Carol Karanja first Published her views in Daily Nation News papers on 1- March-2015: HURRY TO COLLECT MONEY FROM FAITHFULS…

Today Waaglicana received this opinion from Captain Edison Ochieng:

Edison Ochieng

Edison Ochieng

When i joined the All Saints Cathedral church in October 2001, the first major ceremony i attended was the ground breaking ceremony for the multipurpose hall. This was on 1st November 2001, traditionally this the all saints day and the then Archbishop, Dr David Gitari graced over the ceremony flanked by the dean/provost of the cathedral Canon Njoka (as he then was, now retired Bishop Njoka).
The aim of the project was to put up a multipurpose hall, and the budget then was just about 60M, if i remember the figures well.
About one year later, canon Peter Njagi Njoka, was by divine providence elected and subsequently consecrated and enthroned as bishop Nairobi diocese following the curving out of All saints diocese from Nairobi with the primate being its bishop. Kitui bishop, Benjamin Mwanzia Paul Nzimbi also moved to the capital having been elected the archbishop of Kenya. This transition ushered the appointment of Church Army Kenya, missioner general, the Rev Peter Karanja as the new dean/provost of all saints cathedral. The new dean together with his new team reviewed the design of the multipurpose hall as was done by his predecessor Canon Peter Njoka. The reviews were marvelous as it now included a concentrated alter at the multipurpose hall, several chapels, amongst them magnificent St Philips chapel on the arctic, several meeting rooms and a restaurant to make the project a real multipurpose. The budget was then reviewed to about 120M
Canon Peter Karanja’s tenure saw the official commissioning of the youth service at the main auditorium; this was graced over by the late Bishop William Waqu who was then the provincial secretary. Archbishop Mwanzia Nzimbi consecrated the St Philips chapel and the Swahili service was moved from the main sanctuary to the new chapel on the arctic. Canon Karanja would soon depart for ”greener pastures’’, having been appointed the NCCK general secretary which ushered the reign of Rev Julius Wanyoike who completed the good works which canons Peter Karanja and Peter Njoka had begun. Rev Julius Wanyoike’ s task was pretty straight as the project was now technically complete. In 2010 archbishop Mwanzia retired and Eliud Wabukhala of Bungoma elected as his successor. It is Wabukhala and Wanyoike who officially completed and commissioned the Trinity center complete with all the facilities.
The facility as it stands hosts the main youth church, the teen’s church and Sunday school ages 2-3. The main Sunday school worship at the Nursery school.
The current Provost The Very Rev Canon Sammy Wainaina’sadministration has since began a campaign that should see the construction a children’s center to accommodate the Sunday school and the teens. In the run to this, the cathedral administration brought in a former cathedral clergy, the Rev Cyrus Manje to preach on tithes, sacrificial giving and seed sowing. I must admit the project looks noble on the face value and would demand the support it requires. However there are t questions that the common worshiper needs to get answered by Rtd Bishop Peter Njoka, Canon Karanja, Bishop Wanyoike of Thika and the current dean canon Wainaina.

1. As a commoner in the congregation i was made to believe that the project was multipurpose, was to accommodate the youth, teens and children, what changed midway?
2. The project cost close to if not over Ksh 350M, is it necessary to tire the congregation with another set of endless fundraising? Can we enjoy what we have before thinking of another one?
3. Is the trinity center being used to its maximum capacity? Can we accommodate the children in the facility that the church has spent one and half decades building?
4. Is it a battle of egos? The first African provost the late bishop Okullu’s tenure as provost saw the building of the nursery school, Bishop Peter Njenga the second African provost saw the building of the old hall, bishop Njoka, canon Karanja and bishop Wanyoike can be credited with the Trinity center. Canon Karanja also did the new provost Lodge in Karen (the facility is not used by the intended user and is instead rented out) could the current administration be looking for its legacy project?
5. The facility at the hall is rented out weekly; the halls are ever hired out in the mid weeks for all sorts of meetings. Can the proceeds from the facility be used to develop another project if deemed necessary?
6. Should decisions to undertake such massive projects be a prerogative of the clergy and the church council only? Or should the discussion be referred to the ‘‘delegate’s conference” i.e. The AGM.
7. Is infrastructure synonymous with spiritual growth? Chicken or the egg , which one came first?
8. Is it possible for the cathedral to adopt one of the missionary dioceses and support it wholesome?

Captain Edison Ochieng’,
Works in the Energy sector. He is a member of St. Stephens Cathedral Kisumu and All Saints Cathedral Nairobi




Kenya Must Forgive or Perish!


  1. Jakokise

    These are pertinent questions raised here by Captain Edison. Genuinely answering them will absolve the Cathedral by lifting the leadership to a moral high ground. Answering them will also ensure that as many people as possible are carried along in executing the proposed project. However, wishing away these questions and/or dismissing those who have raised them, who in effect represent many others on the pews, will provide fodder to feed the speculations of many.

  2. Daniel Ojuka

    Good questions. Churches in Kenya have this grand infrastructural upgrade with no spiritual components to boot. Kenyans are tribal as ever

  3. The good question you have asked is whether church is related to buildings/infrastructure growth.
    We have been looking at the series “What is the church” and many have forgotten from Paul in the scripture that “church is the gathering of people” – without people, the buildings would not be called church.
    I believe the idea behind these infrastructure is not noble, but sounds like a cartel, like the ones in a Ministries of Land, Transport etc
    Cartels for what ?? Protection of retirement and income. If you investigate, the people behind those projects will be squarely sitting as board members to earn from those halls and lodgings etc long after they have left the church administration.
    That is why current administration wants their own legacy project (using congregation money) because old projects ” have their owners”
    My 2 cents
    Her Dakorus

  4. herr

    The good question you have asked is whether church is related to buildings/infrastructure growth.
    We have been looking at the series “What is the church” and many have forgotten from Paul in the scripture that “church is the gathering of people” – without people, the buildings would not be called church.
    I believe the idea behind these infrastructure is not noble, but sounds like a cartel, like the ones in a Ministries of Land, Transport etc
    Cartels for what ?? Protection of retirement and income. If you investigate, the people behind those projects will be squarely sitting as board members or “chairmen” to earn from those halls and lodgings etc long after they have left the church administration.
    That is why current administration probably wants their own legacy project (using congregation money) because old projects “have their owners”
    My 2 cents

  5. Robin

    Important and vital questions asked above. Have these been channeled to the right team or to the mentioned leadership team? Writing about it and posting is good, but to be effective, these questions need to be raised directly to the right team. Without this, this might only be reduced to activism.


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