Chief Justice Willy Mutunga’s view that bishops and pastors should be vetted was timely.  The church leaders are “public servants” since they serve millions of faithful and a lot of trust has been put in them.Cases of financial and sexual scandals in churches have also risen in churches and religious institutions. Despite the assumed high standard of integrity for men of cloth, man is not perfect.
It should not be assured that bishops and pastors are ‘called by God’, therefore they are righteous. The fact that they serve men and they are human expose them to many temptations, which they fall into. Therefore, they must be vetted so that they can continue serving and only people of integrity lead faithful.
Some churches have their own internal vetting process, which weeds out those not fit for the noble task. But some, especially the evangelical ones do not. It would, therefore, be better if the church has a collective vetting process, which will ensure that pastors are fit to serve.Another reason that makes vetting necessary for pastors is that the ‘calling’ has become a profession like law, architecture and medicine. All these professions have regulatory bodies, which serve as vetting entities to weed out quacks.
Church leaders may argue they have National Council of Churches of Kenya and Evangelical Association of Kenya, but going by what is happening on the pulpit, these organisation have failed to regulate the sector.Yes! There is freedom of worship but this right has been abused. Freedom means responsibility and if it is abused then it ceases to be freedom. Many quacks, who have come to be known as ‘brief case pastors’ have emerged to abuse freedom of worship. 
Faithful are being robbed money in the name of prayers and miracles by some church leaders. They rob faithful through “spiritual gymnastics” because the masses are desperate to solve their woes.
Since Kenya is a nation where churches are registered without peer review, the registrar of societies may not have technical knowledge of what constitute a church and its leaders. It is not a surprise that there are over 4,000 churches registered in Kenya today.Christianity is a religion of salvation, whereby even a criminal can confess, change to a new ‘creature’ and start a church. This is another reason why church leaders must be vetted.
It would make no harm if the church leaders get certificate of good conduct from Criminal investigations Department, Kenya Revenue Authority and Higher Education Loans Board among other institutions.The clearance from these State agencies will be able to weed out bad elements, who claim to have been anointed by God himself.
Church leaders should also be vetted for their academic qualifications. The church should set high standards. If the corporate world has high academic standards for entry, the church should be even higher. The argument must not be church leaders need only the Holy Spirit to lead the church. This may be so, but the Holy Spirit reminds the individual of what he has learned.
In Jesus times, there was Doctor  Luke and mathematician like Mathew, and not to forget lawyer cum philosopher Paul, who used their skills to minister.
The standard requirement to be a bishop or pastor would be a Diploma from a recognised institution. Education is not only about papers, but teaches on how to live well with others in society. This will enable “men of the cloth” to use their skills for sufficiency and not become dependent on the faithful.
Godliness in leadership further involves matters of character. Church leaders need to show synergy between whom they are and what they do.  Integrity test is passed where there is consistency between who they are and what they do.The behavioral integrity leads to performance integrity. The effective pastoral ministry flows from a complex integration of character, calling and competence.
The National Police Service has been attracting graduates during recruitment of police officers in recent past. This is partly due to the fact that it was made mandatory during every recruitment exercise to recruit at least one graduate in each station to join either Administration Police Service or Kenya Police Service.
However, the rate at which the graduates are leaving the service due to various reasons is alarming and poses great danger to police service that yearns for professionalism and reforms. One of the challenges facing graduates in the service has to do with deployment. Majority of graduate officers are deployed in areas, which are not related to their field of study. For instance, you will find an Information and Technology specialist working in an environment where her skills are not fully utilised. The same applies to criminologists, educationists and psychologists.
This, together with other factors such as poor remuneration and lack of a standard motivational procedure makes it hard for retention of professionals.There is, therefore, need for National Police Service Commission and the Inspector General, who will be appointed, to come up with mechanisms to ensure that they not only attract professional, but also maintain them.
They should consider introducing scholarships for officers, who wish to further their education either at Master’s or PhD level and thereafter bond them to serve the service for a given period of time before they consider exiting.
This has been practiced by other organisations such as universities with high levels of success. They should also consider redeploying existing officers according to their area of study. For instance, psychologists should be stationed at gender desks and counselling centres to offer services to their colleagues and families. Educationists should be in training colleges as instructors and lawyers as prosecutors or investigating officers. Criminologists should help in analysing crime data and intelligence gathering. The number of adult learners who are flocking back to class is on the increase. The police have not been left behind either.
They too are flocking to school en masse. The question is, will they remain in the service upon completion of their studies? This calls for some urgent measures to ensure that the officers do not move to other organisations, which need their expatriate and experience on security matters.